Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i should not to CRY, right?

i know..
this is life, many of problems, whereas sadness and happiness blending at all.
as a human, i must ready if everything outside my hopes will comes suddenly.

huh. i just try to nevermind it!
but sometime, i feel hurt too, and wanna do something that make me feel enjoy, even with CRYING.

so, may i ask for time to CRY in a few seconds?
but after that, i will SMILE with unlimited TIME. promise :)



Saturday, April 24, 2010


-try to close your eyes, and thinking about your life. enjoy it ! you can find how beautiful life is-

-when you love someone and that person love you too but you cant together because something that obsevious, what would you do?-

-please, dont ever you prestige to show what you feel actually-

-maybe, you have thousands reasons to cry, but it can be defeated with one reason to smile-

-someone who dont know who really you maybe can jugde you with all thought that you hate. but show to them, that you have more inside, but not for exhibited-
-loving someone and loved by someone is so wonderful part in y
our life,actually. but sometime you can feel hurt with LOVE.just try to enjoying it-

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

THANKS if YOU read this.


take breath.


hello my OLD STORY..
i hope you read this post.
first, forgive me if yesterday or one day at the past time i talked a little bit rough to you. but now, i try to be more calm down to simply say to you.

just a few words.

you ever been a part of my life.

but sorry, now it cannot anymore. and not be forced again.
i have my own life, and you too.

can we try to for forget it all?

i could be friend with you, as long as there is no longer something distrubing in my feelings.

i respect you, so i beg you also respect my decision.

i hope you understand :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

finally, im 19 years old

finally im 19 years old.last time to be a teenager.

so, its mean i must be mature.
all of my behaviour and my thought, of course.

this is my first birthday without my parents. every birthday before, dad will give me a pray, and then we have a dinner with all of my family. but now, it cannot anymore. feel sad, right. but, wasn't as sad as my imagine.

i have many greatest friends at here, who remember my birthday with their own way.thanks for all surprises, guys.

overall, i'm glad although you aree was made me suffering and getting cold for a while. yeaaa, there is still a lot of friends who care about me. and that make me touched, the
y give a helmets !! because they know in here i dont have that helmet, i just borrowed hehe poor me-__-

and thanks also for the greetings that actually make me laughting rather than moved..
forgive me if i have a badmood because of my old problems from my past.
and thanks for you, who has given me a beautiful minnie :3

gifts from you guys, i would catch it carefully.
once again..THANKS A LOOOOT :D
because you're was making my nineteenth-birthday more impressive than before, whereas im in condition far from my parents

thanks for my college friends, my "rental-house-or-room-or-whatever" friends, and all my friends who was remember my birthday who give me utterances trough facebook, twitter and messages :D



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i should not to CRY, right?

i know..
this is life, many of problems, whereas sadness and happiness blending at all.
as a human, i must ready if everything outside my hopes will comes suddenly.

huh. i just try to nevermind it!
but sometime, i feel hurt too, and wanna do something that make me feel enjoy, even with CRYING.

so, may i ask for time to CRY in a few seconds?
but after that, i will SMILE with unlimited TIME. promise :)



Saturday, April 24, 2010


-try to close your eyes, and thinking about your life. enjoy it ! you can find how beautiful life is-

-when you love someone and that person love you too but you cant together because something that obsevious, what would you do?-

-please, dont ever you prestige to show what you feel actually-

-maybe, you have thousands reasons to cry, but it can be defeated with one reason to smile-

-someone who dont know who really you maybe can jugde you with all thought that you hate. but show to them, that you have more inside, but not for exhibited-
-loving someone and loved by someone is so wonderful part in y
our life,actually. but sometime you can feel hurt with LOVE.just try to enjoying it-

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

THANKS if YOU read this.


take breath.


hello my OLD STORY..
i hope you read this post.
first, forgive me if yesterday or one day at the past time i talked a little bit rough to you. but now, i try to be more calm down to simply say to you.

just a few words.

you ever been a part of my life.

but sorry, now it cannot anymore. and not be forced again.
i have my own life, and you too.

can we try to for forget it all?

i could be friend with you, as long as there is no longer something distrubing in my feelings.

i respect you, so i beg you also respect my decision.

i hope you understand :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

finally, im 19 years old

finally im 19 years old.last time to be a teenager.

so, its mean i must be mature.
all of my behaviour and my thought, of course.

this is my first birthday without my parents. every birthday before, dad will give me a pray, and then we have a dinner with all of my family. but now, it cannot anymore. feel sad, right. but, wasn't as sad as my imagine.

i have many greatest friends at here, who remember my birthday with their own way.thanks for all surprises, guys.

overall, i'm glad although you aree was made me suffering and getting cold for a while. yeaaa, there is still a lot of friends who care about me. and that make me touched, the
y give a helmets !! because they know in here i dont have that helmet, i just borrowed hehe poor me-__-

and thanks also for the greetings that actually make me laughting rather than moved..
forgive me if i have a badmood because of my old problems from my past.
and thanks for you, who has given me a beautiful minnie :3

gifts from you guys, i would catch it carefully.
once again..THANKS A LOOOOT :D
because you're was making my nineteenth-birthday more impressive than before, whereas im in condition far from my parents

thanks for my college friends, my "rental-house-or-room-or-whatever" friends, and all my friends who was remember my birthday who give me utterances trough facebook, twitter and messages :D



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i should not to CRY, right?

i know..
this is life, many of problems, whereas sadness and happiness blending at all.
as a human, i must ready if everything outside my hopes will comes suddenly.

huh. i just try to nevermind it!
but sometime, i feel hurt too, and wanna do something that make me feel enjoy, even with CRYING.

so, may i ask for time to CRY in a few seconds?
but after that, i will SMILE with unlimited TIME. promise :)



Saturday, April 24, 2010


-try to close your eyes, and thinking about your life. enjoy it ! you can find how beautiful life is-

-when you love someone and that person love you too but you cant together because something that obsevious, what would you do?-

-please, dont ever you prestige to show what you feel actually-

-maybe, you have thousands reasons to cry, but it can be defeated with one reason to smile-

-someone who dont know who really you maybe can jugde you with all thought that you hate. but show to them, that you have more inside, but not for exhibited-
-loving someone and loved by someone is so wonderful part in y
our life,actually. but sometime you can feel hurt with LOVE.just try to enjoying it-

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

THANKS if YOU read this.


take breath.


hello my OLD STORY..
i hope you read this post.
first, forgive me if yesterday or one day at the past time i talked a little bit rough to you. but now, i try to be more calm down to simply say to you.

just a few words.

you ever been a part of my life.

but sorry, now it cannot anymore. and not be forced again.
i have my own life, and you too.

can we try to for forget it all?

i could be friend with you, as long as there is no longer something distrubing in my feelings.

i respect you, so i beg you also respect my decision.

i hope you understand :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

finally, im 19 years old

finally im 19 years old.last time to be a teenager.

so, its mean i must be mature.
all of my behaviour and my thought, of course.

this is my first birthday without my parents. every birthday before, dad will give me a pray, and then we have a dinner with all of my family. but now, it cannot anymore. feel sad, right. but, wasn't as sad as my imagine.

i have many greatest friends at here, who remember my birthday with their own way.thanks for all surprises, guys.

overall, i'm glad although you aree was made me suffering and getting cold for a while. yeaaa, there is still a lot of friends who care about me. and that make me touched, the
y give a helmets !! because they know in here i dont have that helmet, i just borrowed hehe poor me-__-

and thanks also for the greetings that actually make me laughting rather than moved..
forgive me if i have a badmood because of my old problems from my past.
and thanks for you, who has given me a beautiful minnie :3

gifts from you guys, i would catch it carefully.
once again..THANKS A LOOOOT :D
because you're was making my nineteenth-birthday more impressive than before, whereas im in condition far from my parents

thanks for my college friends, my "rental-house-or-room-or-whatever" friends, and all my friends who was remember my birthday who give me utterances trough facebook, twitter and messages :D

